Sunday Breakfast(s)

Sunday is one of those days that is wrought with both the seemingly endless possibility of a truly lazy, laid back day and by days end it is also depressing; it goes from “I’m just relaxing and it feels so good” to “dammit, I have to go back to work tomorrow. And that sucks.” But putting on a full pot of coffee and making one of these large, admittedly highly caloric, but extremely delicious and comforting breakfasts eases that bit of suckiness. Today we have the windows open wide to one of our few sunny, slightly warm days, and cooked up a lovely sausage hash with eggs. Last week’s breakfast was equally nice and both are not labor intensive, especially if you’re one of those people (as I am) who chops up all the produce for the week on Saturday and stores it, ready to use in the fridge. Honestly, everyone should do that. It makes life so much easier.

Baked Eggs with Hashbrown Crust
recipe from Two Tarts 

You Need:
a large potato (or 2 medium) peeled, rinsed, and grated into a towel lined colander
bacon strips, cooked and crumbled, or sausage, cooked and crumbled
some cheddar or monterey jack cheese, grated
oil for cooking

Preheat your oven to 350. Heat a tablespoon or so of oil over medium heat in the bottom of an oven safe skillet (cast iron would work great here), making sure the oil is evenly spread over the surface of the pan. Make sure your grated potatoes are dry as you can get them, toss some salt and pepper into the potatoes, then sprinkle the potatoes all over the pan, making an even surface of grated potato. Cook for a couple of minutes, until the bottom is browned all over and it is fused together. Flip the potatoes carefully with a large spatula (you should be able to flip it all in one large piece). Cover the browned surface with grated cheese, then top that with the bacon or sausage. Break your eggs (we used four) onto the surface of the potatoes and stuff. Pop the whole thing into the oven and let it cook until the whites on your egg are set (or they’re done however you like your eggs to be done). Cut it up (carefully), serving it altogether. Next time, I’m going to not forget the order that the original recipe has the ingredients in and I’ll put the cheese on top like I was supposed to. Otherwise, this was just a great dish to eat.

and now my new favorite breakfast of all time:

Linguica Hash with Fried Potatoes and Eggs
recipe adapted from my sister in law, Laci

You Need:
a link of linguica sausage, cut in half, cut those halves in half, and dice it up (ours came in a package of two large pieces of sausage)
diced onion
sliced mushrooms (I used creminis)
diced bell pepper
diced russet potatoes (I used 2 smallish ones, peeled, rinsed then diced up)

Heat up a tablespoon or two of oil in a nonstick pan. Salt and pepper your potatoes. Cook them until golden and cooked through. Set aside and keep warm. Heat a bit more oil in a skillet (or the same skillet if you want). Cook the onion, bell pepper, mushroom, and sausage until the veg is softened and the sausage is cooked through (they come fully cooked anyway). Season your mixture with a bit of salt and pepper. Fry some eggs however you like them. Serve the linguica mixture over the potatoes and eggs with that. There. Delicious, kinda fancy feeling, and so easy a child could do it. You’re welcome.

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